Magnum Opus:

The Great Work of Being You!

Transcendence and Transformation through Exploration, Reflection, and Sharing 

We’ll explore psychological, spiritual, mythical, and energetic realms to dive down into the deep recesses and excavate the beauty hidden there.

We’ll follow the wheel of the year, connecting with ancient and first peoples’ traditions and practices that will align us with the cycle/circle/wheel of the year.

Together, we’ll discover our animal spirit guides, explore runes and tarot, the elements, alchemy, chakras, essential oils, crystals, and so much more.

You will gain insight and knowledge about yourself through this exploration, and walk even more fully and confidently as your highest, most expansive potential Goddess/God self:

  • Acceptance of your soul self, your pure, loving, essence. 
  • Ease and grace in the way you respond to life challenges and circumstances. 
  • Deeper connection with divine wisdom.

We’ll be starting soon, on Wednesday, January 11th.

If you’re feeling called to this journey, I hope you’ll follow your intuitive heart… just hit the reply button below and send me a quick note. That’s all you need to get you started. 

I’ve opened the invitaion to you, as part of a circle of women who appreciate the richness of connection, and who are ready to dive deeper. 

We’ll meet in person once a month, and virtually every week (or bi-weekly) as we explore our inner world and the ways it expresses itself in the outer world.

It’s okay if you can’t make all the gatherings. 

And, you’ll get the most from this program and each other by attending them as often as you are able, ideally every virtual and in-person session. In-person programs are not able to be made up, but the virtual sessions will be recorded so you will have access to them later. 

I hope you’ll make the commitment to yourself, and a commitment to the other women in the circle…A promise that you will be and are present, for yourself, and for each other, in this intimate circle of exploration and sharing.


12 months, starting Wednesday, January 11th, 2023

In Person Gatherings will be held – Wednesdays, 6:00 pm Pacific Time 

  • 12 Monthly In-Person Gatherings 6:00-7:30pm – 2nd Wednesdays (some first Wednesdays)
    • Following the Wheel of Life and our book, in-person sessions will offer a deepening experience of the current phases through activities, breath-work, meditation, energy healing, essential oils, crystals, tarot and more. 
  • 12 months of Weekly / Bi-weekly Virtual Gatherings, 5-6pm via Zoom

What you’ll need ~

  • The Great Work, a book by Tiffany Lazic 
  • A journal and your favorite writing instruments
  • Commitment to the Great Work of Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year

What I’ll provide ~ 

  • A safe a sacred space to gather, connect, explore, share, and learn
  • Essential oils, tarot cards, runes, crystals and more
  • Facilitation of guided experiential exercises
  • My experience to hold you safely and sweetly in this sacred container
  • Sharing of all that I know and carry with me in my spiritual healing toolbox
  • Creative and professional skills to support your healing and expansion
  • and a few more surprises… of course!

12 payments of $33/month


12 month program starting January 11, 2023

With so many guides and teachers out there, how do I pick the right one for me?

It’s a great question, and one you ought to consider, truly. Over the years, I’ve learned some valuable points to consider and I’ll try to respond to some of them here.

What experience does the teacher have? 

While I may be new to you, I’ve been around a while. I’ve been inspired to recreate myself several times, and more than once lived through what I would call a pachacuti, the Quechua word for the “turning over of space and time.” In fact, I not only lived through them, but I would say I have thrived because of them.

Who is the teacher in “real” life?

At the core I am an artist, a creative in all manner of being. I love to paint, photograph, and dance. I love to read, and usually have several books going at the same time. And whenever I can get a kitty-fix, I’m happy as a clam.

I’ve traveled all over this country and the world and enjoyed the breathtaking beauty of long hikes in the wilderness, and the sweet generosity of many peoples.

I have my own personal practices, including meditation and yoga, which I started more than 40 years ago. And I’m Italian, so I love to cook, and eat, and I have a “colorful” vocabulary at times. 

Who is the teacher professionally?

When I shifted my work from graphic design to the healing arts, I focused on helping women and children.

I am an energy healer, psychologist, former massage therapist, hypnotherapist, yoga teacher, and certified aromapoint therapist. I’ve had many amazing teachers along the way, and they each had gifts to share that I benefitted from. As a clinical psychologist, my work has been mostly with those who have experienced significant personal trauma, and the loss and grief and health conditions that often accompanies it. If interested, my complete CV is available on my website.

Only you can know…

whether a someone might be a guide for you right now… if you decide that I might be, I can promise you this: I’ll be straightforward and authentic, kind and at times vulnerable. I’ll share whatever I know with you if it might help you along your journey. Everything I share is a process, practice, or tool that I have used personally, and found beneficial for myself and others.